About Us

We met in Inglewood Qld when we were seventeen, then reconnected again thirty years later to find we both had a love of, and strong connection to, the bush and animals within it. Pete is a proud descendant of the Awabakal people from the Hunter Valley Region and grew up in Quilpie and Inglewood Qld. Cate was born in South Australia and lived in various places – her teen years were spent on farms in NSW and Qld.

We both wanted to get back to the land and farming, so we decided to combine farming with our passion for, and knowledge of native plants. After much research, we were disappointed to find that the same problems that faced the native fruit industry in the 1990’s still hadn’t been solved, with limited stock and few First Nations growers and business owners in the industry (currently around 2%).

We set ourselves a goal to use the native fruits to create products that everyone can enjoy and also to increase people’s awareness of the health benefits of these amazing fruits. In doing so, we will help stimulate demand for native foods so that the industry continues to grow and more First Nations families and communities will become involved in the industry and benefit from it.

kaiyu and products

Our Vision

To grow our business, be an Australian recognised brand in the Health Food Industry and to assist in the development of the Native Food Industry so as to provide more opportunity for First Nations employment and First Nations businesses and communities.

black-cockatoo-eating-kakadu plum

Care for Country

We buy from First Nations communities and businesses that wild harvest fruits sustainably, making sure a percentage is left for native animals and natural regeneration of the plants.


Social Impact

We are committed to increasing First Nation’s Peoples’ participation in the Native Food and Botanical Industry.